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Beat the Bookies with Matched betting

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Hi, I’m Sharon, the spokesperson of RescueBet, and welcome to Bookies Web Series by RescueBet. Matched betting is a way of laying sports bets which offer a guaranteed profit if you know what to do. This might sound too good to be true, but it is a sure-fire mathematical way of making money at the bookies and has been proven to work by many punters and betting experts alike. So how does it work? Essentially, Matched betting is taking advantage of offers made by bookies such as “bet a tenner, and get a free ten dollar bet”. Using the free bet offered by the bookies, you can bet both for and against the outcome of a match and therefore guarantee a win. Now let’s take a look at the steps to making your match bet.

Step #1 – Choose two betting exchanges

First, you will need to find two betting exchange which is offering a two-for-one deal. However, some deals will have restrictions associated as to what you can bet on and on what dates, therefore, make sure to check the terms and conditions.

Step #2 – Change to decimals

For ease of comparing odds, make sure to change the odds system from fractions to decimals. This will make comparisons much easier.

Step #3 – Choose a bet with low odds

Most offers will demand that you choose a bet with odds above a certain value. However, try to choose a bet with odds as low as possible above this threshold.

Step #4 – Make use of “Odds matcher”

Using the “Odds matcher” tool will enable you to do Matched betting with minimal effort. It retrieves live odds from one website and compares them to the lay bet of another. This will tell you the closest possible odds and the lowest loss.

Step #5 – Make sure you have $5 before you start

To make money through Matched betting you will need at least $5 to make a profit. This will enable you to put on quite a few bets and make sure you start making some money. Thank you for watching, to know more tricks & tips to beat the bookies please stay tune on other episodes of this Bookies Web Series by Rescuebet. Good Luck!


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